Mind in Furness GDPR statement

Your Data

We only use your data when you choose to provide it to us when attending an event. We will remind you of this in the event registration. We only ask for data that is essential to the smooth running of the event and once the event has finished we then delete all of your data other than any basic information you have permitted us to keep to report the results of the event.

We can make your name anonymous on the website and we can remove your data if you so wish at any time.


Although we do not collect any personal information in our cookies which could be used to identify you, we do use them to track what visitors look at on this site to help us identify where improvements can be made.

By using this site you agree to our use of cookies. You can also read full details of our cookie policy.

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We won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect

Article edited by Mind in Furness, 29th August 2018, 7:44PM, views: 17608
Need Help Now

If you're in need of help right now, as well as ourselves, there are a range of groups and services who are waiting to give you the support and advice that you need. We're still working on this page so the content, whilst accurate, is subject to change.

General Advice & Guidance

  • Barrow CAB Citizens Advice

    • 0344 488 9624
  • Cumbria MindLine

    • 0300 561 0000
  • Millom Alliance Advice

Personal Help

Company Information
  • Mind in Furness
  • Lesser Kings Hall
  • 57-59 Hartington Street
  • Barrow-in-Furness
  • LA14 5SR
  • Charity registered in England and Wales: 1143600
  • Registered company limited by guarantee: 7693277
Contact Details
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