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We won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect

Article edited by Mind in Furness, 29th August 2018, 7:39PM, views: 34197
Projects & Services

Mind in Furness offers a range of projects and services run at our office at the William Bingley Centre on School Street as well as throughout the local community and sometimes beyond. You can find full details of our services and projects here, including when the all of the sessions run if there are sessions that you can attend as well as who the main point of contact is.

Please note that unless specified all sessions are run at our Barrow office in School Street. Refreshments are usually available at a minimal cost.

We do occasionally have to cancel sessions and we will tell you below if any sessions are cancelled and, where possible, when the sessions will return.

Active Monitoring Guided Self Help

Every week 250,000 people go to their GP with symptoms of common mental health problems but because of pressures on services and resources GPs have little alternative than to put patients on long waiting lists. As people wait for support, their mental health can deteriorate. Early intervention could significantly reduce this. In response, we have developed Active Monitoring, an early intervention programme for adults presenting with mental health problems of low to moderate severity.

Active Monitoring is delivered in five sessions over an eight week period and is based on cognitive behavioural therapy approaches with the added benefit of guided self-help booklets.

The programme covers the following areas of mental health and can be delivered face to face, online or via the telephone...

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Self Esteem
  • Stress
  • Feeling Lonely
  • Anger Management
  • Grief and Loss
  • Menopause

To make a self-referral or for further information please email... activemonitoring@mindinfurness.org.uk

Need to speak to someone?

Telephone to find out more information on 01229 827094 or alternatively email us at schoolstreet@mindinfurness.org.uk

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Choices Programme

Choices has brought together a number of well respected voluntary and community organisations who want to make a real difference in people's lives. The project is led by Groundworks NE and is aimed at providing support to those furthest away from the labour market and facing multiple barriers.

Need to speak to someone?

Telephone to find out more information on 01229 827094 or alternatively email us at schoolstreet@mindinfurness.org.uk

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Please note that this service runs typically once a month, and is usually the first Monday in the month. We leave Mind in Furness at 9.30am and arrive back in Barrow in Furness by 4pm.

Every month we work alongside the National Trust, at High Wray Basecamp. It is a chance to take in the breath taking scenery, whilst doing something worthwhile. We all know how being in the fresh air is good for your mental wellbeing and volunteering and working as part of a team is also of great value.

You need to take a packed lunch with you. Everything else will be provided for you on the day. Whilst there you can do as little or as much as you are capable of.

Conservation is very popular, as you can imagine, so attendees need to pre-book as there are limited places.

Need to speak to someone?

Telephone to find out more information on 01229 827094 or alternatively email us at schoolstreet@mindinfurness.org.uk

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Craft Group

Everyone welcome to join in this well attended craft group, which is suitable for all levels of ability. Examples of activity include card making, glass painting, pebble painting and adult colouring.

The craft group is a relaxing and safe environment, where you can also bring your own small projects to do, be it, knitting or crocheting etc . We also welcome skilled crafters who can share their knowledge with the group.

Next Session

  • Wednesday from 1:30PM

Need to speak to someone?

Telephone to find out more information on 01229 827094 or alternatively email us at schoolstreet@mindinfurness.org.uk

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Kitchen Garden Project

If you are interested in gardening, but do not have a garden, or if you want to socialise over a shared interest in gardening you might like to join us at the Green Heart Den and get involved in our exciting outdoor Kitchen Garden Project.

We have two raised beds at the moment where we are growing salad produce which when ready to harvest will be available for the members.

The Kitchen Garden Project is a fun way of making friends, and as we know being in the fresh air is good for our mental wellbeing.

Next Session

  • View this location on Google Maps
    Tuesday from 10AM
    Location: Green Heart Den, Greengate Street, Barrow

Other Sessions

  • Friday between 12PM and 2:30PM
    Location: Green Heart Den, Greengate Street, Barrow

Need to speak to someone?

Telephone to find out more information on 01229 827094 or alternatively email us at schoolstreet@mindinfurness.org.uk

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Men's Group

This well attended men only group is a safe and confidential environment, whereby you can say as little or as much as you want on any given topic, from building self-esteem and self-confidence, to topics the group themselves have chosen. Everyone has a chance to discuss how they are feeling and a member of staff is on hand to offer help and support should it be needed. The meet once a week, at the times shown above.

Next Session

  • Tuesday from 1PM

Need to speak to someone?

Telephone to find out more information on 01229 827094 or alternatively email us at schoolstreet@mindinfurness.org.uk

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Millom Safe Space

The Safe Space Service is a drop-in service where we offer

  • Peer support
  • One to one support (where we can offer a listening ear, advice and information)
  • Information Board (booklets and leaflets on a variety of topics)
  • Sign-posting service to relevant organisations and services
  • Recovery Star Course (future dates to be confirmed)
  • Mindfulness 6 week Course (future dates to be confirmed)
  • Group activities, for example; board games, creative writing, art and crafts etc.

Next Session

  • View this location on Google Maps
    Monday from 11AM
    Location: Millom Pensioners Hall (Tin Chapel)

Need to speak to someone?

Telephone to find out more information on 01229 827094 or alternatively email us at schoolstreet@mindinfurness.org.uk

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Peer Support

These fully inclusive sessions provide a safe and confidential environment for those attending to support each other. These sessions are available by arrangement on a daily basis. Members know that if they are having a difficult time they can come to the Peer support sessions and there will be someone they will be able to talk to.

A support member of staff can provide practical and emotional support and provide one to one support should the need arise. Various topics can be discussed, allowing everyone to be heard and their views and opinions to be taken into account.

Next Session

  • Monday from 10AM

Other Sessions

  • Tuesday between 10AM and 1PM
  • Wednesday between 12:30PM and 4PM
  • Thursday between 10AM and 1:30PM
  • Friday between 10AM and 4PM

Need to speak to someone?

Telephone to find out more information on 01229 827094 or alternatively email us at schoolstreet@mindinfurness.org.uk

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Recovery Star Programme

The Recovery Star is a six week programme that gives people the tools to manage their mental health. It is held is a safe and confidential environment. Topics covered are: managing mental health, physical health and self-care, living skills, social networks, volunteering/work, relationships, addictive behaviours, responsibilities, identity and self-esteem and trust and hope.

The Recovery Star Programme typically runs between 1:30pm and 3pm, although the dates do vary.

Next Session

  • Thursday from 1:30PM

Need to speak to someone?

Telephone to find out more information on 01229 827094 or alternatively email us at schoolstreet@mindinfurness.org.uk

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Supported Living

Mind in Furness are the landlords of four one bedroom flats, which have recently been refurbished to a high standard. Located in the town centre they will provide accommodation for Clients with mental health problems where staff will offer support to maintain tenancies and promote recovery.

Need to speak to someone?

Telephone to find out more information on 01229 827094 or alternatively email us at schoolstreet@mindinfurness.org.uk

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Women's Group

The women’s group at Mind in Furness meet weekly on a Wednesday morning. The sessions are well attended and the group offers a safe, confidential environment.

We have fun in the group doing activities with arts and craft and poetry as well as offering therapeutic activities where we will discuss confidence building and self-esteem topics, relaxation sessions, going out to local art exhibitions or just meeting for a coffee are also some of the activities we enjoy in the group.

Members of the group facilitate sessions if they feel they have the confidence to contribute and students as well as volunteers regularly facilitate sessions suggested by the members. The group prides itself on making each other and new members feel welcome so new attendees are always welcome. In future we would like to develop sessions in line with the issues that are identified as points on the Recovery Star.

Next Session

  • Wednesday from 10:30AM

Need to speak to someone?

Telephone to find out more information on 01229 827094 or alternatively email us at schoolstreet@mindinfurness.org.uk

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Company Information
  • Mind in Furness
  • Lesser Kings Hall
  • 57-59 Hartington Street
  • Barrow-in-Furness
  • LA14 5SR
  • Charity registered in England and Wales: 1143600
  • Registered company limited by guarantee: 7693277
Contact Details
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